And while we’re Australia’s fifth biggest bank, we prefer to see ourselves as the biggest of the good banks because we do things a little differently. Thanks to our 1.8 million customers, we’ve invested $165 million into local projects, local clubs, and local schools, as well as support global movements like Earth Hour and Oxfam Australia.
Bendigo Bank is home to Australia’s most satisfied home loan customers (that’s Roy Morgan Research talking, not us*).
Your home loan will help make more of these great things happen.
If you like traditional banking, we’ve got more than 500 branches across the country. If you like technology, our banking app is rated in the top 2 in the industry (okay, it’s second, but only by a whisker^). Regardless of how you choose to bank with us, you’ll like Bendigo Bank.
* Roy Morgan Research Single Source: April – September 2016.
^ Roy Morgan Research Finding No. 7100.